
GEP 2022 - Free visits to the exhibitions of the Centre Giovanni Lilliu on the 24th September 2022


On the occasion of the European Heritage Days (GEP), Saturday 24 September 2022 from 14.00 to 19.30 it will be poss[...]

16th september 2022 - REDUCED OPENING HOURS AT "SU NURAXI"


To allow the production of a documentary by the Ministry of Culture, on the 16th September 2022 the archaeologic[...]

16th September 2022 - Partial closure of SU NURAXI


To allow the production of a documentary by the Ministry of Culture, on the 16th September 2022 the archaeological [...]

Inauguration of the exhibition "Beyond the sea. Etruria and Sardinia in a thousand years of history" - Barumini 25 May 2022


    'Beyond the Sea, Etruria and Sardinia in a thousand years of history' The exclusive exhibition o[...]

"THESAURUS. The usurped heritage" extended until the 31st december 2022


After the success of the first months of the exhibition, "THESAURUS. The usurped heritage", organized by the Barumi[...]

Temporary closure of the Giovanni Lilliu Center


From tomorrow until the afternoon of May 25, 2022, the Giovanni Lilliu Center will be closed to the public to allow[...]

Inauguration of the exhibition "THESAURUS. The usurped heritage."


The temporary exhibition "THESAURUS. The usurped heritage" will be inaugurated on March the 2nd at 9.30 am at the C[...]

Reopening of Casa Zapata Museum


Starting from 10 January 2022, the CASA ZAPATA Museum will reopen its doors to the public. We are waiting for yo[...]

Temporary closure of Casa Zapata for works


From 20 December 2021 and up to a date to be decided, the Casa Zapata Museum will be closed to the public for a few[...]

EHD 2021: free visit of the "HUMANUM" exhibition by reservation only


On the occasion of the "European Heritage Days", Saturday 25 September from 14.00 to 19.30 at the Giovanni Lilliu C[...]

GEP 2022 - Free visits to the exhibitions of the Centre Giovanni Lilliu on the 24th September 2022


On the occasion of the European Heritage Days (GEP), Saturday 24 September 2022 from 14.00 to 19.30 it will be poss[...]

16th september 2022 - REDUCED OPENING HOURS AT "SU NURAXI"


To allow the production of a documentary by the Ministry of Culture, on the 16th September 2022 the archaeologic[...]

16th September 2022 - Partial closure of SU NURAXI


To allow the production of a documentary by the Ministry of Culture, on the 16th September 2022 the archaeological [...]

Il Territorio
Orari e tariffe

Proposte itinerari


Pacchetto “Su Nuraxi” Visita Area Archeologica Su Nuraxi Presente unità didascalica con visita virtuale per i disabili motori Visita presso il complesso nuragico (nuraghe e villaggio) patrimonio  dell’umanità UNESCO dal 1997. Visita guid[...]

1 Giorni

Prossimi eventi


archivio fotografico

Gallery - Didattica - Retablo

Mostre in corso


“Artigianarte”, artistic craftsmanship exhibition of Sardinia realized with the participation of goldsmiths, potters, tailors, cutlers, workers of wood, leather, iron, cork.[...]

Scopri il comune


Baressa, piccolo centro della Marmilla situato a 169 m sul livello del mare, è un paese agro pastor[...]

Fondazione Barumini Sistema Cultura - Viale San Francesco 8, Barumini (SU) - Partita IVA 03074440920 Tutti i contenuti del sito sono protetti e tutelati dalle vigenti norme in materia di diritto d'autore. credits