Reopening of the sites from Monday to Friday, the closure continues on weekends and holidays


From tomorrow 8 February Su Nuraxi Archaeological Area, Casa Zapata Museum and the Centre "Giovanni Lilliu" will reopen to the public from Monday to Friday.


UPDATE: March 2, 2021
Although Sardinia has been classified as a white area, for the moment the provisions adopted by the DPCM January 14, 2021 art.1 paragraph 10 letter R and reconfirmed by the DPCM March 2 art.7 and art.11 according to which the places of culture can open to the public from Monday to Friday.
Having acknowledged that the ordinance issued by the President of the Sardinia Region (Ordinance no.8 of March 15, 2021) confirms the provisions of the aforementioned Prime Ministerial Decree, pending new regional ordinances and / or ministerial decrees, our sites will continue to observe the closure of all Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays.

For info:
Opening times, visitors policies and admission fees
070 9368128

Fondazione Barumini Sistema Cultura - Viale San Francesco 8, Barumini (SU) - Partita IVA 03074440920 Tutti i contenuti del sito sono protetti e tutelati dalle vigenti norme in materia di diritto d'autore. credits